A word from the Home Sponsors: Jan and Zeb Gray
We are so pleased to help provide resources to build a house in memory of our fathers. Our dads were both craftsmen and civic-minded men. It would delight them to know their example serves as the inspiration for our support. Jan’s father was Carmelo Tripodi. He was a tailor and a furrier. In his spare time, he built furniture, rehabbed houses, and loved to cook. Whenever Jan’s high school needed a helping hand to host an event, he was always the first to volunteer. Zeb’s dad was Clayton Gray. He became a builder with an artistic eye for detail. Clayton founded a construction business in North Carolina that became a prominent local building company. He was the president of the Civitan Club and impressed upon his sons the responsibility to serve others. We would often hear him say: “I complained I had no shoes until I saw a person that had no feet.”
We volunteered on Habitat projects in the past. For nine years we called St. Paul, Minnesota home where Zeb worked for the Hubert H Humphrey Job Corps Center. Job Corps was involved in several Habitat for Humanity projects in the Twin Cities. It sponsored a house in St. Paul. Every Wednesday an instructor would take twelve Job Corps students to the job site to work. It was an excellent “teachable moment” project that instilled the value of service in the Center’s economically disadvantaged young people. As singer Bob Dylan said, “when I was deep in poverty you taught me how to give.” Thank you St. Paul Habitat. The Culinary Arts class of Job Corps cooked hot dogs for about five hundred people at an event in Minneapolis to honor Habitat Co-Founder Millard Fuller. They provided lunches for St. Paul’s Habitat Annual Women’s Build project. It was a win-win experience for all! We believe in the mission of Habitat and are impressed with the passion and compassion of Greater Lynchburg Habitat for Humanity.